Jogging Benefits For Men

Jogging is the best cardiovascular training, purpose to burn calories and condition your body stay fit. Jogging is a refreshing experience and good for you to prepare for the day ahead.
Below are some jogging tips for men:

Jogging Benefits For Men

Jogging To Lose Weight
Jogging to lose weight is a good idea when compared to other weight loss program and certainly healthier.  The reason is, if you run regularly, you lose weight at a steady rate and healthy. Average, jogging burns about 10 calories per minute, so, if you follow the routine of jogging 30 minutes every day, for 6 days a week, you will burn about 1800 calories in a week. One pound of body fat holds about 3500 calories. So, if you retain jogging routine for 2 weeks, you secured to lose about one pound of body fat.

Important Tips When Jogging

Warming up Before Jogging
Start the morning or even at sunrise, is a good idea. You find a little traffic on the road and you can breathe plenty of fresh air. Make sure that you warm up and go through some stretching exercises before you start jogging, it’s important to prevent cramps and sprains.

Choose a Place That is Free of Pollution
Pollution-free area is currently difficult to find, but try to find a place that is very minimal from air pollution such as playgrounds or river side. If you live near the sea, even jogging on the beach is a great idea.

Use a Comfortable Clothing
Wear loose clothing and layered because it can make you sweat faster
use comfortable shoes. use comfortable shoes when jogging is important, do not use shoes that are too loose or too tight.

Drink Water to Avoid Dehydration
Men tend to sweat more than women while jogging, so bring drinking water for your body replace lost ions. This is so that you can to avoid dehydration after jogging

That's a few tips on jogging for men. do it as needed then you will feel freedom after jogging


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