Nine Right Step To Cancer Prevention

Prevention of the disease is the best way to minimize the worst possible. Preventing cancer is the best step because like the phrase "prevention is better than cure” because it prevents unnecessary mischief.
To prevent cancer, knowledge is needed about the causes of cancer so that we can avoid or ward off the possibility of the roots of the cancer. Below are nine surefire tips to prevent cancer.

Nine Right Step To Cancer Prevention

Examine The Risk Because Offspring
One of the causes of cancer from heredity, if there is a parent or sibling with cancer are very likely cancer also attacked other family members. Knowing your family history of cancer is very important for the primary prevention of cancer

Avoid Foods That Aare Smoked And Burned
Other causes of cancer are smoked foods, baked, or pickled, Examples such as smoked fish or pickled foods. Food is likely to cause cancer, therefore avoiding or reducing the frequency of eating these foods become imperative to prevent cancer.

Avoid Alcohol
Alcohol has long been frequently cited as a cause of cancer. To prevent cancer, avoid alcohol consumption is a step in the right.

Avoid Foods With Coloring Agent
Many foods today are mixed with coloring agent to make it look interesting. Actual content of the coloring agent is very harmful to the body and can lead to cancer,  so should try to avoid using food coloring agent. Using food coloring agent can be seen from the color of the food looks much more interesting or more conspicuous than the original color.

Avoiding Cigarettes
Like a alcohol, cigarettes also be the cause of various diseases are no exception to cancer. Leave cigarettes or trying to get away from being smoked is a good attempt to prevent cancer.

Avoiding Fatty Foods
Fat causes many problems in the body, including cancer as a trigger. To prevent cancer, avoid foods with a high fat eating more green vegetables.
Eating foods rich in fiber
Fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber. Increase the consumption of these foods are very good for preventing cancer.

Sports Routine
Exercising is a good way to prevent cancer, because when you exercise your body will burn fat and speed up metabolism. Does not have to be strenuous exercise, Moderate exercise such as brisk walking or jogging can help prevent cancer.

Consumption of Vitamin A, C, and E
Vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E has antioxidant properties which are very useful for preventing cancer. Usually the vitamin found in many fruits and vegetables.

Not have multiple partners in the sex also be a great way to prevent cancer because cancer is also possible due to unhealthy sexual behavior or change partners often.


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