Warning Of the Dangers Smoking For Women

Warning Of the Dangers Smoking For Women - Currently the number of women smokers is increasing daily, many women who have the desire to smoke at the age of 14 years to 16 years. It is based on the tendency of the curiosity and prestige to a friend - to make it more recognized peers existence. For married women from now give good example to your daughter by not smoking and give him special attention, that's the best way to avoid the dangers of smoking from an early age.

Warning Of the Dangers Smoking For Women

You must know if smoking is a major threat to the health of the body, every single cigarette that you suction contains about 4,000 chemicals and toxic substances that are very harmful to the body and your health
Here are the dangers and negative effects of smoking for women:

1. Tobacco and Gynecological Disorders
Smoking reduces the secretion of estrogen which is allegedly responsible for the onset of menstrual disorders including pain. Smoking can lead to changes in tone of voice and increased body hair. Menopause occurred 1 to 2 years for women smokers. Tobacco can increase the risk of developing precancerous cervical lesions.

2. Tobacco and Skin
Women smokers will experience dull skin, due to lack of oxygenation of the skin. Other effects skin will become loose and elastic. Tobacco can cause wrinkles appear prematurely, ranging from 10 to 20 years earlier.

3. Tobacco and Pills
35% of women aged 20 to 44 years who smoke while taking birth control pills, having 4 to 10 times the risk of cardiovascular problems. Combining contraceptive with cigarettes could pose a serious health hazard, especially in women aged over 35 years.
Blood thickens and the risk of thrombosis, stroke and brain vascular disorders (stroke) may occur due to tobacco.

4. Smoking and Pregnancy
Smoking can reduce fertility by 50%. Tobacco can cause thickens cervical mucus, preventing sperm development, as well as lower levels of estrogen which can reduce the quality of the uterine wall and restrict blood flow necessary for implantation of the egg and risk of miscarriage up to 3-fold. Other effects, fetal growth can also disrupted due to the lack of oxygen supply. Babies born weighing inclined low (less than 200 grams at birth). Women smokers also will produce breast milk 25% less than female non-smokers.

5. Tobacco and Weight
Smoking can reduce sensitivity to taste and smell, other than that will slow down the storage of fat and increases energy expenditure to 200 calories per day than non-smokers.
Smokers have a lower body weight than non-smokers. Quitting smoking will not mean a woman is overweight, but it will make it have a normal body weight. Quitting smoking is combined with regular exercise will keep your weight at an ideal level.

So, from now on stop smoking and give a good example for your child because you already know the dangers of smoking for women. Final words' Live healthy for yourself and Your Family "


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