Easy Ways to Prevent Osteoporosis

Easy Ways to Prevent Osteoporosis – Osteoporosis is a threat for those of you who have been aged 25 years and above, because at this time the productivity of calcium in the body begin to decrease slowly. Osteoporosis or bone is deteriorating bone structure and bone density decreases, thus causing pain in the joints and your bones. Osteoporosis also makes the bones become brittle and easily broken. Symptoms of osteoporosis is often back pain, bent posture, and height loss. However, Osteoporosis is still in a mild degree can also occur without any symptoms.

Easy Ways to Prevent Osteoporosis

If a patient is suspected to have osteoporosis, the doctor will usually conduct BMD (Bone Mineral Density). Through this examination can be known whether osteoporosis occurs and how the severity of the condition osteoporosis. BMD examination is the examination of the type commonly used DXA (Dual X-ray absorptiometry).

Osteoporosis can be caused by many things, among them lack of vitamin D, calcium, lack of physical activity, body weight is too low, the consumption of alcoholic beverages, and a disturbance in hormone. Some hormones in the body plays an important role in the regulation of the use of calcium by the bones. Disorders of the thyroid and the consumption of certain drugs such as drugs known as corticosteroids for asthma or chronic arthritis can also cause you to experience bone loss. Here are the steps to prevent osteoporosis:

Easy Ways to Prevent Osteoporosis

1. Consumption of Calcium and Vitamin D Supplements.
Calcium can be obtained from low-fat milk, cheese, soy milk, broccoli, and leafy greens. Consult a physician if you need additional calcium supplements. While the function of vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium so that calcium can be absorbed by the body with a perfect.

2. Sporting Routine
Do the sports for about half an hour per day, five to six times a week, such as walking, aerobics, cycling, jogging, or swimming. If you are aged 40 or older are strongly advised to walk away, given your physical condition has declined and the other organs of your body that need attention.

3. Reduce Consumption of Salt.
Salt can increase spending calcium through sweat and urine.

4. Limit Consumption of Caffeine
Way to prevent osteoporosis is to limit caffeine consumption, especially for women who have entered menopause.

Smoking can inhibit the recovery of bone loss or fracture, and inhibit bone growth.

6. Limit Consumption of Alcohol
Alcohol can interfere with the absorption of calcium and reduces the levels of hormones that play a role in bone formation.

7. Beware That You Consume Drugs, especially drugs known as corticosteroids are used long term, because it increases the risk of bone loss.

8. Avoid Excessive Physical Activity. For patients with osteoporosis, avoid lifting heavy objects to avoid injury

That's the easy way to prevent osteoporosis you can do. You can reduce the threat of attack terekena early osteoporosis, exactly when you are 25 years old. Do the above tips on a regular basis, then the health and strength of your bones will remain intact.


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